Just off the surface from the reality of life floats a multitude of shared ideals. Driven by the innocent need to connect, we dare to venture close to these dreams. Yet the more we inhabit this fragile space the more we yearn to protect ourselves...

Just off the Surface is a collaborative work that was created for Short + Sweet Dance 2010 and performed during week three of the dance festival. Using balls, bubble wrap and projected imagery, the fragility of our instinctive urge to connect was explored. While the audience was enveloped in a live bubble of vocal sound, the tensions that arise when relationships form became tangible...

Concept / Choreography / Performance: Imogen Cranna and Cloé Fournier

Composition: Ekrem Mulayim and Imogen Cranna

Graphic Design: Guy Harding

Just off the Surface: Short + Sweet Dance 2010